Kurulduğu 2003 yılından bu yana Boya ve Yapı sektöründe hammadde ticaret ve üretim faaliyetlerini gerçekleştiren Reaksiyon Kimya, Kocaeli Dilovası Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde stratejik bir konuma sahiptir. Üretim ve ticaret ile ilgili tüm operasyonlar, en üst düzeyde müşteri memnuniyetinin sağlanabilmesi için tam donanımlı bir Ar-Ge Merkezi tarafından desteklenmektedir. Sektördeki gelişmeleri ve pazardaki yeni talepleri yakından takip ederek güçlü idari ve mali birikimi ile sektördeki öncü konumunu sürdürmekte, Boya ve Kaplama, yapı kimyasalları, alçı ve beton sektörüne yönelik genişleyen ürün portföyü ile pazarda yerini giderek sağlamlaştırmaktadır. Ayrıca Güney Kore’de bulunan dış ticaret ofisleri ve Cezayir’de bulunan Üretim tesisi ile ihracat alanında önemli atılımlar gerçekleştirmekte ve oluşturduğu ticari iş birlikleri ve anlaşmaları ile uluslararası pazarlarda da adını duyurmaktadır. Epoksi reçineler, epoksi sertleştiriciler, polikarboksilat, köpük kesiciler, wax emülsiyonları, su iticiler, akrilik reçine & emülsiyonları ve pigment pastalar firma portföyündeki ana ürün gruplarından bazılarıdır.
Reaksiyon Akademi çatısı altında eğitim, çevre ve toplumsal eşitlik çerçevesinde sosyal projeler sürdürerek, çalışanların eğitimi ve gelişimine destek vermek, sektöre daha nitelikli bir ekiple hizmet sağlamak ve çevre, eğitim, toplumsal eşitlik gibi alanlarda farkındalık yaratmak amaçlanmıştır. Firma TSE ISO 9001 Kalite Sistem Yönetim Belgesi’ne sahiptir ve IMMIB, Kompozit Sanayicileri Derneği, Türkiye Kimya Sanayicileri Derneği üyesidir. 2021 Yılında üçlü sorumluluk performansını yükseltme konusundaki kararlılığını ortaya koymuştur.
Our mission is leading the raw materials supply chain and to produce innovative product in order to afford The Chemical Industry’s need and expectation.
Our vision is to expand our sales network in 4 continent and to get 50% increase the number of the innovative product in our 20th year.
Our Values
- Trust
- Respect
- Innovation
- Accountability
- Collaboration
Reaksiyon Academy
We believe that success will be achieved by working with the right team and being in continuous development. For this purpose, Reaksiyon Akademi was established within the company in 2018.
It was aimed to create social projects within the framework of education, environment and social equality under the roof of Reaksiyon Akademi, to support the training and development of employees, to provide service to the sector with a more qualified team, and to raise awareness in areas such as environment, education and social equality.
Our customers and stakeholders were also included in these events. Technical seminars were organized for the paint and construction industry, and workshops were held with the support of experienced experts.
- To set innovative goals
- To inspire the team
- To communicate effectively
- Teamwork and collaboration
We Believe
- To develop ourselves and our team
- To share knowledge and experience
- To be fair and motivating
- To manage processes proactively
We Are Determined
- To lead the change
- To make a difference
- To grow together
- To train future leaders
We Aim
- All employees at Reaksiyon Kimya, including temporary employees, are obliged to comply with the Values Manifesto or the Company's Code of Ethical Conduct established accordingly. All our business partners are expected to obey the rules of business ethics and the application principles that support these rules.
- Notifying all employees of the Code of Ethical Conduct, ensuring that employees give due importance to these rules, and showing the necessary effort and leadership in complying with the Code of Ethical Conduct are among the main duties and responsibilities of middle and senior managers working at Reaksiyon Kimya.
- The responsibility of documenting that the latest version of the Code of Ethics and Implementation Principles document has been read, understood and committed by the employee rests with the Company Human Resources unit.
- Adopting as a principle to act in accordance with all relevant laws, rules and regulations in the countries of operation and new entry, and with the International Conventions to which the Republic of Turkey is a party.
- To manage, record and report all business activities and accounting system fully and appropriately according to the laws.
- To take the necessary measures for the health and safety of the employees,
- Organizing informing seminars on occupational health and safety periodically
- Creating value for customers, meeting their demands and needs at the highest level and in the fastest way,
- To provide quality products and services and to follow stable policies,
- To be professional and fair within the framework of courtesy rules in relations with customers,
- To protect the personal information and confidentiality of the customers in accordance with the relevant laws,
- Not to give misleading and incomplete information to customers.
- Choosing the suppliers, dealers, authorized dealers and authorized services to work with meticulously and carefully, ensuring that they do not engage in ethical or illegal acts, making the necessary examinations and determinations in line with the relevant application principles, fulfilling their legal obligations, respecting human rights, business ethics and the fight against corruption to encourage them to act in accordance with their principles,
- To decide with objective criteria in the selection of suppliers, dealers, authorized dealers and authorized services,
- To comply with the reasonable confidentiality and occupational safety rules during the inspections and visits of the supplier, dealer, authorized dealer and authorized service.
- Adopting as a principle to act in accordance with all relevant laws, rules and regulations in the countries of operation and new entry, and with the International Conventions to which the Republic of Turkey is a party,
- To manage, record and report all business activities and accounting system fully and appropriately according to the laws.
- Not to enter into agreements and harmonious behaviors with competitors or other persons or organizations with the aim of preventing, distorting or restricting competition directly or indirectly, or which have or may cause such an effect, beyond the limits permitted by the legislation. To comply with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Competition and the relevant legislation.
- Not to abuse this dominant position in a particular market where it is in a dominant position alone or together with other undertakings,
- Not negotiating and exchanging information with competitors to determine the market and/or competition conditions together. To avoid all kinds of meetings and transactions that may lead to the above-mentioned situations or be described as such in meetings such as associations, councils, chambers, professional associations, etc., and other private or professional meetings and meetings attended to represent the company.
- To take advantage of the talents, strength and creativity of the employees and to consider their competencies when it comes to assignment and authorization
- To create opportunities for the training, orientation and development of employees and to provide equal opportunities,
- To reward success with fair and competitive wage policies, effective and objective performance evaluation systems and practices, and not to fall behind the rights acquired in any revision to the compensation system.
- To provide equal opportunity in appointments, promotions, rotations and rewards
- To ensure the continuity of labor peace,
- To provide clean, healthy and safe working conditions for employees,
- Creating and maintaining a transparent working environment that encourages mutual respect, where cooperation and solidarity are the most important factors,
- Not to allow harassment in the workplace in any way,
- Evaluating and responding to the opinions and suggestions of the employees and taking motivation-enhancing measures,
- Not to share private information about employees with third parties without the employee's permission and knowledge, except for legal obligations,
- Respecting human rights, differences and ethnic origins,
- Always obey the laws,
- To fulfill their duties within the framework of basic moral and human values,
- To act in a fair, well-intentioned and understanding manner in order to provide mutual benefit in all relations,
- Not to gain unfair advantage from individuals and organizations for any purpose, not to take or give bribes, to prevent such actions to the extent of knowledge, to act in accordance with the rules of anti-corruption;
- To act in accordance with the relevant business ethics rules and all application principles that support these rules, and not to act in a way that will prevent other employees from performing their jobs properly, not to disrupt their work harmony.
- Not making payments for facilitation purposes in principle, (Payments for facilitation purposes: Payments made to officials to speed up or facilitate routine permits and services that are not discretionary, such as visa transactions, customs clearance, security or telephone service.)
- Accepting any gift that creates the impression of the existence of an irregularity, may cause or be perceived as such (concession, discount or gaining priority, etc.) not to
- Not making any behavior, statement or correspondence that would make the company committed unless it is expressly authorized,
- To take care of all tangible and intangible assets of the company, including information and information systems, as if they were personal property, to protect them against possible loss, damage, misuse, abuse, theft and sabotage,
- Not to use working time and company resources directly or indirectly for personal and/or political activity and benefit, whether or not it has monetary value.
- Keeping the distance in communication with customers, not carrying the communication to private life, not partnering with customers in any commercial activity
- Not making political propaganda in the workplace, not using company resources in political activities, not dictating political views to subordinates, being respectful to different political views.
- To ensure that the processes are initiated and completed on time in order to guarantee the intellectual property rights of newly developed products, processes and software, and to prevent the sharing of such inventions and information with third parties without written approval,
- To avoid illegal – knowingly – unauthorized use of patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, computer programs or other intellectual and industrial property rights of other companies,
- To ensure that all records are kept and archived in a healthy manner within the legal period, to keep whatsapp records, to record all communications with customers
- Not responding to information requests from third parties that are classified as confidential for the company, without the approval of the senior management,
- Taking all kinds of measures to prevent the theft or damage of company assets
- Land investment in Dilovası 4. O.S.B.
- PC investment project
- Distribution of Zschimmer & Schwarz
- New production plant in Algeria
- New production plant in Dilovası
- Headquarter in Haliç Merkez
- 25.000 m2 land investment in GEBKİM
- Production of 1K Acrylic Resin
- Office in Algeria
- Distribution of Celanese Elotex
- Establishment of Reaksiyon Akademi
- Production of Additives
- Distribution of Nouryon (former Akzo Nobel) Bermocoll
- Office in South Korea
- Production of Polycarboxylate
- Production of Epoxy Hardener
- Distribution of Epoxy KUMHO Türkiye
- Production of Wax
- Production of Pigment Paste
- Established in Istanbul